How you hold your bat, determines your risk of injury
The use of the palmar hamate grip may increase the risk of hook of the hamate fracture in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I baseball players, according to new research.
Finger psoriatic arthritis: Symptoms and treatment
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic condition that occurs in people with psoriasis. Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin and nails and can also affect the joints. Finger PsA may cause pain and swelling in one or more finger joints.
What is frozen shoulder?
Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity including sleep difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon.
Avoid 'gamer's thumb'
Also known as Dequervain’s tenosynovitis, gamer’s thumb is “a condition that causes pain, stiffness and a sensation of pain with thumb and wrist motion,” says the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Acetaminophen’s role in pain management after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Including acetaminophen for pain management prior to and after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can significantly reduce opioid consumption and improve patient satisfaction postoperatively. Not only that, but patients who take acetaminophen perioperative can also have better pain control, even while consuming fewer opioids.