Avoiding Pain And Addiction After Sports-injury Surgery
With opioid addiction soaring in the United States, it should come as good news that an opioid painkiller may not be needed after a sports-injury repair.
Avoid Surgery' For Most Cases Of Common Wrist Fracture In Young People, Urge Researchers
The SWIFFT trial, funded by the National Institute for Health Research, concludes that for a scaphoid waist fracture in the wrist a plaster cast should be used in the first instance, with surgery only being considered if the bone doesn't heal.
Medial Elbow Exposure: An Anatomic Comparison Of Five Approaches
Several surgical approaches to the medial elbow are described, however it remains unclear which exposure provides the optimal view of relevant medial elbow structures. The purpose of this anatomic study was to determine the visible surface area of the coronoid process, distal humerus and radial head through five approaches to the medial elbow.
Managing Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
In a recent propensity matched analysis, patients who opted for surgery experienced superior outcomes compared with patients who decided to try non-operative management first.